
WICKED TUNA PIER Myrtle Beach, SC $400.00 a $650.00 por semana

The lead host is a senior role in the hospitality industry responsible for providing leadership to a team of hosts at the restaurant, club, or hotel.

Their job description entails the delivery of top quality service to guests.

They will have friendly demeanor and excellent interpersonal relationship skills to be able to relate well with clients of diverse background and status.

The lead host role also involves constant communication, both verbally and otherwise with clients, therefore, their communication skill is expected to be well horned.

Their duties also entail resolving customer complaints amicably. They can refer complaints beyond Their power to the appropriate supervisor.

Complete supervision of the overall service delivery in the organization is also one of their several tasks.

The lead host job also entails dressing smartly and attractively. Their dressing is meant to show off their great personality and makes them look approachable to clients.

They should present oneself in such a way that they will give the client a very good first impression about themselves and the organization they represent.

They will relate with clients throughout their stay and also be there to interact with them if they have to wait long.

The lead host's work description also includes the offering of drinks to clients while they wait.

If they work in a club or restaurant, they are expected to have a very good understanding and knowledge of the menu and offer them to clients when they request for it. They should have foreknowledge about items on the menu to be able to properly inform clients about them.

They should be trustworthy and reliable, since they may be saddled with the responsibility of handling cash when necessary.

The best head host is one that treats and relates diplomatically and courteously with clients, and so, should be able to speak in diplomatic and courteous manner on the phone when communicating with clients and other members of staff.

Their role places them as a link between the management and clients, therefore, issues related to customer concerns and safety are communicated to the management promptly by the head of the hosts. They should have a firm understanding of the workings in the organization to communicate proper estimated wait time to clients.

Their job also involves escorting clients to their respective tables and providing them with drinks and the menu.

The lead host should be the first personality the client will encounter when they arrive and the last person they will see before stepping out of the building. This will help build a better image for the organization.

Insurance and Benefits offered to full time employees.

WICKED TUNA PIER es un empleador de EEO - M / F / Veterinarios / Discapacitados
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